Get to know the new webshop!

Update overview
We are constantly optimizing our webshop for you with regular updates. Follow our improvements and changes here.
Buy Best Match directly
- A "best match" search result can now be purchased directly from the search result. This saves you a click.
CEO Chat
- It is now possible to chat with the CEO personally. Look for the chat symbol at the bottom left. This appears when our CEO is ready to chat.
- Favorites can now be selected directly on the product details page.
- You can now request e-invoices via the webshop. You can find the setting in the MyAccount area under “E-mail addresses for sending invoices”.
Delivery time calculator
- The delivery time of incoming items can now be calculated individually in the shop.
Delivery times if an order is split now
We now provide detailed delivery times for each item in an order and indicate when the goods could be dispatched if the order is split.
Price display
- We now display the price per packaging unit in addition to the unit price.
Invoice display
We now also show the payment status in the invoice overview.
Price lists
- Price list templates are now available to you. These can be used for price comparison portals, for example.
Favourite articles
- You can now save your favourite items to a list.
Customisation of order detail page
We have made small improvements to the order detail page. Available and already blocked items can now also be viewed here.
New delivery countries
- It is now possible to have orders delivered to the following countries: Aland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lichtenstein, North Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Serbia.
Download project lists
- Project lists can now also be easily downloaded.
Order from offers
- You can now easily accept a quote via the webshop.
Use price lists with all accounts
- Price lists are now shared with all sub-accounts. This means that all accounts of a customer see the same price list. We have added a new “view price list” right for this purpose. This can be selected if an account is allowed to see a price list but not to change it.
Your contact person
- You now have quicker access to your contact person. You will always find the contact information at the bottom right
Download lists!
- You can now easily download lists in several places. These include open orders, delivery notes and marketplace lists.
Price lists changes.
- You can now find the price lists in the MyAccount menu. When creating price lists, you can now filter by the language of the description.
Address book.
- We have now added an address feature to manage your addresses. You can find it in the MyAccount area.
More information on RMAs.
- We have added more information about RMAs. You can find this in the RMA overview.
Download overview
- The downloads have been revised and new filters have been added
Additional reference field in the checkout
- The end customer reference can now be entered in the checkout.
Small design updates
- The search bars have been emphasised more strongly in some places.
Multiple Order Tool
- Many items can now be added to the shopping cart at once. Try it out!
Update delivery address entry
- The use of the delivery address input has been extended. Existing addresses can now also be deleted and edited.
Update sub-accounts
- The assignment of rights for sub-accounts can now be carried out during the creation process.
- We have added filter options to the marketplace. Marketplace devices can now be filtered and searched better
User friendliness
- The entry of the delivery address has been optimised. The search and filter options have been expanded and improved.
Order tracking
- FedEx orders can now also be tracked with a tracking link.
Subaccounts & usability
- Main users can now create sub-accounts and manage permissions.
- Search results can now be sorted alphabetically and by list price
- Design and contrast have been optimised in several places.
Jarltech promotion articles
- Jarltech articles can now be bought here: Fan promotion
We have implemented a number of usability improvements:
- on the product page it is now possible to filter for items that have stock
- in addition, on the product page it is now possible to sort by price and stock
- with offers it is now possible to filter for valid and expired offers
- when searching, entering a Jarltech or manufacturer item number will show the exact match
List of Invoices
Users can now find their invoices within a separate list. Finding e.g. unpaid invoices is much easier now.
Compressed product view
Logged in users can now choose a new compressed view on the product page.
Overview of quotes has been adapted
The overview of quotes has been revised and the display optimised.
Display of news
The news have been moved to the top of the start page and are now easier to find.
Update Marketplace Articles
The presentation of the marketplace articles has now been improved. This makes these articles stand out more from the other articles. It is now also possible to hide marketplace articles via a filter.
Improved language setting
When calling up, the user's browser language is now used. The shop language therefore automatically changes to German, English or French.
Help texts at login
To prevent misunderstandings when logging in, we have optimised the login texts.
Used items can now be easily added to the shopping cart and ordered. You can find an overview of the articles here:
Furthermore, the marketplace articles can also be seen on the product pages.
Create a quote from the shopping cart
It is now possible to download your shopping cart as a pdf. To do this, simply click on the link: "Download your cart as an quote".
The qoutes created in this way can also be found under quotes in the MyAccount area.
Show availability in orders
You can now view the current availability of the items in your orders.
Hurray, the new Jarltech shop is online!
The new Jarltech shop is online! With a fresh design, we offer you lots of new features that make ordering and much more even easier!
Get to know some of the new features of the Jarltech shop:
- Quick Order Tool: In your shopping cart, you can now conveniently add items to your cart by SKU, name, manufacturer number or description - in just a few seconds! (The function is only visible for logged-in users).
- Lists and tile view in the search result: You don't need pictures in the search result? Then use our list view. It can be found at the top right of the search result!
- Accessory search: You can now find the right accessories for your devices much more easily with our new result display for accessory items - simply use the search bar.
We hope you enjoy our new Jarltech shop! You can look forward to more features in the future, with which we will make the Jarltech-Shop even better for you!
Do you have an idea how we can make the new Jarltech-Shop even better? Feel free to share your suggestions and ideas for improvement with us using the feedback button at the bottom right (only visible to logged-in users) - we look forward to hearing your ideas!
Best regards
Your Jarltech Team