PrehKeyTec MCI 3100
PrehKeyTec POS keyboard with alphanumeric layout
PrehKeyTec MCI 3100
PrehKeyTec POS keyboard with alphanumeric layout
347,21 £
(prix de vente conseillé)- Alphanumeric keyboard
- All keys freely programmable
- Dust and spray-proof
- With optional 3-track magnetic stripe reader, smart card reader, glidepad, key lock, etc.
- USB port
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The PrehKeyTec MCI 3100 is intended for the use with applications that require only text or standard input but also various special keys. You will receive the keyboard in a common keyboard layout that can be reallocated if required: simply use our own single, double and multiple key caps and programme them as you wish. The keyboard is labelled according to the standard layout of PC keyboards and is also available with coloured keys. The PrehKeyTec intuitively operable programming software stores the keyboard layout in the keyboard’s flash RAM.
The slot of the optional 3-track magnetic stripe reader is integrated horizontally above the keys. Naturally, the keyboard also includes four LEDs for Num Lock, Scroll Lock and Caps Lock. Optionally, the keyboard can be equipped with an additional Smart Card reader, fingerprint reader, a glidepad or even a key lock. Connect the keyboard to any computer using a standard USB port.
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* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.