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Zebra service

(syaers5xxx-5c – Z1AE-RS5XXX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: RS5XXX

450,46 £

450,46 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc22xx-52 – Z1AE-TC22XX-5200)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, std maintenance for extended or BLE battery, fits for: TC22

636,01 £

636,01 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaewt6xxx-5c13 – Z1AE-WT6XXX-5C13)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, expedited collections (NA and EU/EFTA only), fits for: WT6XXX

944,84 £

944,84 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaemc94-5c – Z1AE-MC94XX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: MC9400

686,34 £

686,34 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syrsrs6-2c – Z1RS-RS6000-2C03)

Zebra OneCare Select Renewal, 2 years, with comprehensive coverage, includes coverage for ring scanner only, can only be ordered once after inital Zebra OneCare contract expires, fits for: RS6000

233,17 £

233,17 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(zjaeps20xx-5c3 – ZJAE-PS20XX-5C03)

OneCare / VIQ package. Zebra OneCare essential, 3 day tat, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, commissioning. VIQ: VisibilityIQ foresight IoT service per device - 60-month contract, fits for: PS20

541,26 £

541,26 £

36 mois de garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc27xx-2c – Z1AE-TC27XX-2C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 2 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: TC27

188,79 £

188,79 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc58xx-5c03 – Z1AE-TC58XX-5C03)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, std commissioning, fits for: TC58

678,53 £

Quantité minimum de commande: 20 pièces

678,53 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc78-5c – Z1AE-TC78XX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: TC78

691,30 £

691,30 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc73-5 – Z1AE-TC73XX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: TC73

691,30 £

691,30 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc73-3 – Z1AE-TC73XX-3C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: TC73

423,25 £

423,25 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(ettaezq5x1-5c – Z1AE-ZQ5X1-5C0)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: ZQ511, ZQ521

270,28 £

270,28 £

Garantie 1 mois
Zebra Service

(syaetc57xx-55 – Z1AE-TC57XX-5500)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, refresh for standard battery, fits for: TC57

679,08 £

Quantité minimum de commande: 10 pièces

679,08 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(syaetc52xx-55 – Z1AE-TC52XX-5500)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, refresh for standard battery, fits for: TC52

679,08 £

679,08 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra service

(syaemc33-5c – Z1AE-MC33XX-5C03)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, includes commissioning, fits for: MC3300

612,79 £

612,79 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra service

(syaerfd85x-3c – Z1AE-RFD85X-3C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: RFD8500

328,54 £

328,54 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra service

(ettocezt2-5 – Z1AE-ZT2X-5C0)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: ZT2X

557,70 £

557,70 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra service

(syaerfd40x-5c – Z1AE-RFD40X-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: RFD40

344,72 £

344,72 £

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service

(zjaetc27xx-3c – ZJAE-TC27XX-3C00)

Zebra OneCare / VIQ package 3 years, OneCare Essential, purchased in 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, VIQ: visibilityiq foresight IoT service per device, fits for: TC27


341,87 £

341,87 £

36 mois de garantie
Zebra Service

(zjaetc57xx-5c – ZJAE-TC57XX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare / VIQ package 5 years, OneCare Essential, purchased in 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, VIQ: visibilityiq foresight IoT service per device, fits for: TC57


658,91 £

658,91 £

36 mois de garantie